A branding overhaul for Austria's ÖVP

In 2017, the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) had a slogan which said ‘Time for something new’, despite it having been in government for 30 years.

That same year, its new leader Sebastian Kurz rebranded the party as the ‘New People’s Party’ and changed its colour from black to cyan in a move to appeal to more voters and move away from the history of the party, including its long stint in government. Sebastian Kurz’s age, 31 at the time, also played an important part in helping the party look like it was brand new and young.

Austrians did not want the ÖVP but they wanted Kurz and “his new party”.

The old logo looked like this:

while the new logo is this one, a complete overhaul in the branding of a 75 year old party:

The rebanding worked and in the 2017 National Council elections, the ÖVP returned to government with 31.5% of the vote.